FAQ’s & Additional Information

From frequently asked questions to product fact sheets, and everything in between – you’ll find all the information you need about PIG Grippy Adhesive-Backed Mats right here. Discover all the benefits of PIG Grippy Mat.

Cleaning & Care PIG Grippy Adhesive-Backed Mat
Basic Installation PIG Grippy Adhesive-Backed Mat
Removing PIG Grippy Adhesive-Backed Mat


Find the Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about PIG Grippy Adhesive-Backed Floor Mat

Do you want to know how to tell when PIG Grippy Floor Mat needs replaced or what liquids it absorbs? Find these answers and more within our FAQs.

Grippy Floor Mat FAQs PDF


Pig Grippy Adhesive-Backed Floor Mat Helps Reduce Environmental Impact vs. Rental Mats

We’re passionate about making it easier for you to reduce the environmental impact of your business. An independent agency conducted a life cycle assessment and found PIG Grippy Floor Mats were better for the environment than laundered rental mats. Find out the facts — download the full report below.

Grippy Floor Mat Environmental Facts PDF


Why Grippy Adhesive-Backed Floor Mat Wins Over Imitator Mats

This side-by-side comparison chart and video illustrates some of the reasons why copycat mats just don’t measure up to original PIG Grippy Floor Mat.

Grippy Mat vs. Copycats Comparison PDF & Video